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Sewer Collection Piping Systems and Appurtenances

Online: EL209 self-paced eLearning course

Course Length: 2 Hours | 0.2 CEUs*

Learn the various types of pipe used in the sanitary sewer system and appropriate pipe applications.


  • Identify pipe used in gravity sewers.
  • Identify appropriate pipe applications.
  • Understand purpose and design of manholes.


Take this course and discover how sanitary sewers and the provision of potable water supplies are an area that separate North America and Western Europe from the rest of the world. Learn the various types of pipe used in the sanitary sewer system and appropriate pipe applications.

This course is non-refundable.

Certificates of Completion

2 Hours

*AWWA will award a Certificate of Completion upon success passing of this course. This does not automatically imply that your state agency will award you CEUs. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.