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Controlling Non-Revenue Water in Drinking Water Utilities Certificate Program

Online: EL316 self-paced eLearning series

EL316 includes five individual courses in a series on non-revenue water.


  • Understanding Non-Revenue Water: Learn the meaning of non-revenue water, including both non-physical losses (metering and billing errors) and physical losses (leakage), and realize the problems it creates.
  • Water Audit and Cost Assignment: Analyze your water audit data yearly using the AWWA Compiler Software Tool, assign costs to the losses, and track loss volumes and costs each year.
  • Production Flow Management: Identify production flows, recognize the importance of accurate production flow data, distinguish primary types of production flowmeters, and maintain, repair, and replace them as part of good asset management.
  • Leakage Management: Explain how leakage occurs, describe its direct and indirect costs, define proactive leakage management, detect and pinpoint leaks, and assess system pressure levels for improved pressure management.
  • Metering and Billing: Explain how utilities meter customer water consumption, list common water meters and meter reading systems, detail good meter management practices, identify potential billing errors and unauthorized consumption, and improve metering and billing operations.
  • Revenue and Financial Stability: Explain the value of water, the need for revenue, and how utility policies affect financial stability. Tabulate consumption and billing data to track revenue capture and flag errors.
  • Future Planning and Loss Control: Envision the water system 5-10 years from now, execute planned loss control activities, monitor progress in non-revenue water control, and adjust actions as needed if losses are still excessive. Identify effective technologies and methods to address losses.


This eLearning series introduces the AWWA Free Water Audit Software (v6.0), among other tools, methods, and guidance for managing non-revenue water. The full 5-course series will explore practical methods to reduce leakage, improve metering and billing accuracy, and ensure sustainable non-revenue water management.

The courses included in the Certificate Program are:

Assessing Non-revenue Water with the AWWA Standard Water Audit | EL311

Accurate Metering of Water Production Flows | EL312

Effective Leakage and Pressure Management | EL313

Customer Metering and Billing Operations for Optimized Revenue Capture | EL314

Sustaining the Non-revenue Water Management Program | EL315

This certificate program is non-refundable.

Certificates of Completion

8 Hours (five separate courses)

*AWWA will issue a Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of each individual course within the Certificate Program. However, this does not guarantee that your state agency will recognize or award you. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.