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Facilitating Compliance with America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018

Online: EL260 self-paced eLearning course

Course Length: 1 Hour | 0.1 CEU*

This course defines the AWIA requirements for community water systems and introduces all utilities to the standards and resources designed to improve resiliency and manage risks for all-hazards.

This course is the first in an AWWA's series on Utility Risk and Resilience.


  • Become familiar with the AWWA Risk and Resilience Certificate Program courses.
  • Identify the requirements for risk, resilience and emergency preparedness in America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) and the compliance deadlines.


The EL260 Online Course is FREE to all learners. AWWA membership is not required; however, registration is required.

AWWA developed an online suite of five courses to help any utility build a risk and resilience management strategy. Additionally, these resources prepare utilities to meet the statutory requirements for community water system risk and resilience in America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 (P.L. 115-270).

This course, the first in the AWWA Utility Risk and Resiliency Certificate Program, defines the AWIA requirements for community water systems and introduces all utilities to the standards and resources designed to improve resiliency and manage risks for all-hazards. After learning how to comply with the AWIA mandate, course participants will understand how existing standards and resources can be applied by utilities to lower risk and fortify their resilience.

Participants will receive an overview of Course 2: Security Practices for Operation and Management, Course 3: Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems, Course 4: Emergency Preparedness Planning, and Course 5: Cybersecurity Guidance and Use-Case Tool. Course 1 provides the background needed for participants to engage in utility risk and resiliency best practices learned through completion of the AWWA Utility Risk and Resiliency Certificate Program.

This course includes the following modules:

Module 1: Requirements for Utility Risk and Resilience.

Module 2: Overview of Utility Risk and Resilience Certificate Program.

This course is non-refundable.

Certificates of Completion

1 Hour

*AWWA will award a Certificate of Completion upon success passing of this course. This does not automatically imply that your state agency will award you CEUs. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.