Desalination Plant Concentrate Management
SKU: 20784
An overview of alternative methods for disposing of the highly saline concentrate generated by seawater desalination processes.
This book provides an overview of the alternatives for management of concentrate generated by brackish water and seawater desalination plants. The book focuses on widely used disposal methods, including discharge to surface water bodies; disposal to the wastewater collection system; deep well injection; land application; evaporation; and zero-liquid discharge. Key advantages, disadvantages, construction costs, and environmental impact issues are presented for each discharge alternative. Direct discharge through new outfall; discharge through existing wastewater treatment plant outfall; and disposal with the cooling water of existing coastal power plants are thoroughly covered and design guidance provided. The book will be valuable to planners and engineers in selecting the most viable concentrate-disposal alternative for a given desalination project. Nikolay Voutchkov is a registered professional engineer and board certified environmental engineer. He has over 25 years of experience in planning, environmental review, permitting, and implementation of large seawater desalination, water treatment, and water reclamation projects in the US and abroad. Voutchkov is president of Water Globe Consulting.