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Investigating Enforcement Mechanisms Beyond Local Ordinances - A Look into AWWA's New Guidance

April 2, 2025
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

(Times listed in Mountain time zone)

Fee per person: $75-member, $120-nonmember

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Expert Panel

Panelists to be announced…


This webinar will outline the findings of AWWA’s new guidebook on “Investigation Current Enforcement Mechanisms in Water Utility Policies Beyond Local Ordinances." Conducted by Ricardo as an AWWA Technical and Educational Council-funded project, this guidebook explores utility options for policy enforcement, such as drought restrictions or water efficiency requirements, outside of passing a local ordinance. Acknowledging that local ordinances are not a feasible solution for every utility, Ricardo collected a diverse selection of case studies that highlight alternative enforcement approaches, offering utilities guidance on identifying solutions tailored to their unique needs.

Through a series of interviews, case study utilities provided detailed accounts of their experiences with their applied enforcement mechanisms, including what did and didn’t work. In this webinar, attendees will hear from members of the Project Advisory Committee, Ricardo, and selected case study utilities, as they share insights into the guidebook’s development, interview findings, and practical takeaways for utilities of all sizes.

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