Taste at the Tap: A Consumer's Guide to Tap Water Flavor
SKU: 70154
Consumers learn why tap water sometimes has tastes or odors and what they can do about it.
Unlike foods and beverages which have appealing tastes, drinking water is not supposed to have a distinct flavor; indeed, we choose water for its lack of flavor and its refreshing quality. Tastes and odors are the leading cause of consumer complaints to water utilities. With this informative booklet, utilities can help their customers understand what can cause tastes and odors in tap water and why tastes and odors do not necessarily indicate a problem with the water. Customers learn how water utilities use both laboratory testing and human taste-testers to know when something is wrong and determine what is causing the taste or odor. The booklet also explains the basic water treatment process to educate consumers on how utilities remove contaminants to make safe, great-tasting, drinking water.