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Performing a Corrosion Control Evaluation

Online: EL287 self-paced eLearning course

Course Length: 3 Hours | 0.3 CEUs*

This course looks specifically at desktop and demonstration studies for evaluating changes in corrosion control treatment. It also provides insights into planning and managing transitions in CCT. This is the third course in an AWWA's series on Corrosion Control Theory & Treatment.


  • Explain methods and tools for evaluating CCT.
  • Describe differences and considerations in demonstration testing methods.
  • Identify additional criteria when selecting CCT.
  • Define steps for implementing CCT.
  • Recall tools and considerations for evaluating CCT effectiveness.


Evaluating changes to corrosion control treatment (CCT) always starts with a desktop study. As such, this course begins with an in-depth review of desktop evaluation, describing what they were historically and what they are now and illustrating cautionary examples from real world situations.

When the decision is made to collect additional information, there are multiple types of demonstration studies that can be used to evaluate CCT or impacts to metals release from source or treatment changes. Key design and operational considerations and differences in demonstration testing options are explained. Additional factors for selecting a CCT strategy and developing an implementation plan where a change is warranted are presented. Importantly, significant shifts in CCT are accompanied by monitoring and evaluation both to ensure CCT is performing as intended and to determine new performance control objectives. Monitoring program components, including a recap of tools for data evaluation, and considerations when assessing initial CCT targets are also described.

This course includes the following modules:

Module 1: Methods and Tools for Evaluating Corrosion Control Treatment

Module 2: Demonstration & Field Studies

Module 3: Selecting and Implementing CCT

Module 4: Monitoring and Evaluating CCT Effectiveness

Prerequisite/Background: Please note that the course Performing a Corrosion Control Treatment Evaluation (EL287) assumes a basic knowledge of water chemistry. If needed, we encourage you to pair EL287 with AWWA’s EL228 – Basic Math & Chemistry eLearning course for a water chemistry refresher. This course, the third in the AWWA-ASDWA Corrosion Control Certificate Program, will look specifically at desktop and demonstration studies for evaluating changes in corrosion control treatment. It also provides insights into planning and managing transitions in CCT.

This course is non-refundable.

Certificates of Completion

3 Hours

*AWWA will award a Certificate of Completion upon success passing of this course. This does not automatically imply that your state agency will award you CEUs. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.