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M45 Fiberglass Pipe Design, Third Edition

SKU: 30045-3E
This manual provides the reader with both technical and general information to aid in the design, specification, procurement, installation, and understanding of fiberglass pipe and fittings.


Fiberglass pipe is used in many industries for myriad applications. Its durability, strength, and corrosion resistance eliminate the need for interior linings, exterior coatings, and cathodic protection. Fiberglass pipe systems offer great design flexibility, and fiberglass pipe is available in a multitude of diameters ranging from very small to very large. M45, Fiberglass Pipe Design, delivers both technical and general information for the design, specification, procurement, installation, and understanding of fiberglass pipe and fittings Extensively illustrated, M45 discusses the manufacture, design, application, and installation of fiberglass pipe, fittings, and appurtenances, and can be used as a textbook or reference book by utilities, design engineers, and academics. The new third edition updates soil classification information, corrects pressure surge calculations, and was extensively rewritten to improve the clarity of the content. This manual covers: The history and use of fiberglass pipe across multiple industries; The composite materials, including the different types of glass fiber reinforcements and resins; The physical properties, including the chemical, temperature, and abrasion resistance of fiberglass pipe; The various methods of manufacturing, including filament winding and centrifugal casting; How to determine the hydraulics in fiberglass pipe, depending on the type of flow and level of accuracy required; How to design a buried fiberglass pipe system, complete with calculations to determine appropriate soils, loading, and more; The installation of underground and aboveground fiberglass pipe and appropriate thrust restraints; The design and installation of an aboveground fiberglass pipe system; Shipping, handling, storage, and repair.

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