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Introduction to EPANET and Example Applications for Small Systems

Online - for Small Systems only.

EL304 is for small systems only.


  • Recall key terms and definitions related to EPANET.
  • Discuss how EPANET runs simulations and calculates results.
  • Review EPANET’s history and how it can be practically applied.
  • Recognize why distribution system modeling is useful.
  • Describe different example EPANET applications.
  • Identify when EPANET can be applied to solve new problems.


EPANET is a software application used throughout the world to model water distribution systems. This course, adapted from EPA training, provides a comprehensive overview of the use of the application, it’s tools, features and benefits.

This course’s six (6) modules fall into two (2) topic areas: overview/background and applications. The first module provides an overview and introduction to EPANET, which includes an (1) introduction to drinking water distribution systems, (2) background and history of EPANET, and (3) introduction to key terms and definitions in EPANET. The second module goes more in-depth to cover EPANET’s modeling capabilities, which includes an (1) introduction to using EPANET to model a drinking water distribution system and (2) overview of the uses and applications of modeling. The remaining four modules are exercises which explain basic example EPANET applications with step-by-step instructions to get users familiar with EPANET. The four application exercises include (1) building an EPANET model, (2) performing a hydraulic simulation using demand driven and pressure driven analysis, (3) performing a water age analysis, and (4) performing a water quality chlorine analysis.

Certificates of Completion

3 Hours

*AWWA will award a Certificate of Completion upon success passing of this course. This does not automatically imply that your state agency will award you CEUs. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.