Dissolved Air Flotation for Water Clarification
SKU: 20748
As the first comprehensive book on Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), this text provides detailed information and data about all aspects of DAF applications, processes, results, and equipment.
Author and DAF authority James K. Edzwald consolidates and interprets this dispersed knowledge in a single volume entirely devoted to DAF for drinking water clarification. It is meant for treatment plant design engineers and scientists, water utility managers and operators, and academic researchers, professors, and students. This new book is an essential reference for all water or wastewater plants that use DAF or are considering it. The dissolved air flotation process has been in widespread use for more than four decades as an alternative process to sedimentation for the clarification of drinking water. DAF is firmly established worldwide as a viable process option with a solid theoretical base and many examples of successful application. DAF has been applied in the treatment of drinking water, municipal and industrial wastewaters, and industrial water supply, as well as in-situ treatment of lakes for algae and seawaters for algae and oil spills. A rich body of experience and fundamental understanding has steadily accumulated among researchers, designers, manufacturers, and users.