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Cybersecurity for Small Systems

Online - for Small Systems only

EL276 is for small systems only.


  • Recognize drivers behind cybersecurity, including America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA).
  • Explain how to use AWWA’s guidance and tool.
  • Generate a Microsoft Excel output file through proper use of the tool.
  • Utilize recommended controls to develop a cybersecurity improvement plan.
  • Explain control priorities controls as recommended by the tool.
  • Apply the tool and complete the utility self-assessment.


This course consists of five modules that focus on the use of AWWA’s Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance and Tool. The importance of cybersecurity best practices for critical infrastructure is explained, as well as demonstrating how the guidance and tool can be used to assist a utility to comply with the risk and resilience assessment requirements of AWIA by identifying cybersecurity gaps that can be accounted for with a Cyber Security Improvement Plan. The tool also recommends controls that will help close those gaps if implemented.

Certificates of Completion

2 Hours

*AWWA will award a Certificate of Completion upon success passing of this course. This does not automatically imply that your state agency will award you CEUs. It is the individual's responsibility, before registering for any continuing education credit program, to contact the appropriate licensing agency.