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Chlorine Dioxide for Drinking Water Treatment

March 12, 2025
11:00 am - 12:30 pm

(Times listed in Mountain time zone)

Fee per person: $75-member, $120-nonmember

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  • Understand basic chlorine dioxide chemistry for preoxidation and disinfection.
  • Compare the benefits and challenges associated with chlorine dioxide use.
  • Assess chlorine dioxide generation technologies.
  • Evaluate the potential for chlorine dioxide application for individual water treatment facilities.
  • Identify opportunities for chlorine dioxide process optimization at individual water treatment facilities.

Expert Panel

Moderated by: Helene Baribeau, PhD, PE, Senior Specialist, California State

Zhengkai (Zack) Li, PhD, PE, Senior Process Engineer, ERCO IDI

Patrick Pherson, Process Engineer, Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority (CCMWA)

Tony Garcia, Water Treatment Plant Manager, Gulf Coast Water Authority


Chlorine dioxide is an effective pre-oxidation and disinfection chemical that does not form high levels of regulated trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. This webinar will help utilities evaluate the potential application of chlorine dioxide in their systems.

The presenters will cover the following topics:

  • When, Where, and Why to Use Chlorine Dioxide:
    This presentation introduces chlorine dioxide chemistry and its uses for drinking water treatment, including oxidation of nuisance metals, certain taste-and-odor compounds, and natural organic matter, primary disinfection, and control of opportunistic pathogens in premise plumbing. Like all chemical disinfectants, chlorine dioxide produces DBPs as it reacts with chemicals, such as natural organic matter, present in water.
  • Generating Chlorine Dioxide:
    Chlorine dioxide is unstable at high concentrations, so water utilities generate it on-site using a variety of techniques. This presentation will discuss chlorine-chlorite, hypochlorite-acid-chlorite, acid-chlorite, and chlorate-based methods and their applicability for small, medium, and large water treatment facilities.
  • Lessons Learned from 30 Years of Chlorine Dioxide Use:
    The Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority has used four different chlorine dioxide generation methods at its 86- and 87-MGD water treatment plants over the last 30 years. This presentation will discuss their drivers for using chlorine dioxide and lessons learned from the start-up and operation of chlorine dioxide systems.
  • Chlorine Dioxide Strategies for Preoxidation and Primary Disinfection:
    Gulf Coast Water Authority has applied chlorine dioxide for preoxidation and/or primary disinfection at its 57.6-MGD Thomas S. Mackey Water Treatment Plant. This presentation will discuss the plant’s chlorine dioxide application strategies and lessons learned from chlorine dioxide use.

Webinar registration priced per person. Each registrant will be granted live and on-demand access for one person, on a single computer. Link sharing is strictly prohibited. Presentation slides will be available to download during the webinar and a recording will be available to view after the live webinar concludes.

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