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Advanced Oxidation Handbook, First Edition

SKU: 20759
This handbook provides the fundamentals of the design and operation for advanced oxidation technologies. The possible applications--micropollutant treatment, treatment of taste and odor compounds, and water reuse treatment--as well as the advanced oxidation types are covered.


Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs) oxidize a broad range of contaminants, including those that are not readily removed with other advanced technologies. The need to treat an ever expanding range of regulated and emerging contaminants has led to an increased interest in AOTs. This handbook provides the fundamentals of the design and operation for advanced oxidation technologies. The possible applications--micropollutant treatment, treatment of taste and odor compounds, and water reuse treatment--as well as the advanced oxidation types are covered. The authors look at AOT facilities including possible locations, key design criteria, and start-up, operation and maintenance. They also cover equipment basics and the safety and handling of AOT equipment. Case studies and considerations for water utility managers such as using an engineering firm vs going it alone are particularly valuable for the beginner as well as the more advanced operator.

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