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AWWA G300-22 Source Water Protection

SKU: 47300-2022
This standard describes the essential elements for the effective protection of source waters.


The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum program requirements for the protection of source waters. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document has been referenced and then only to the protection of source waters. Given that source water protection is a continuous, ongoing process, it is not anticipated that a water utility can complete all aspects of its source water protection program shortly after initiation of the program but should be implemented in a phased approach in accordance with resource availability. However, a water utility should complete or demonstrate substantial progress in all six (6) elements of its source water protection program (as described in Section 4), especially regarding the implementation of key action items of its program. Performing a source water assessment and developing a source water protection plan by themselves are not enough to satisfy the criteria of this standard. Completion or substantial implementation of action items is essential for a source water program to be deemed as "in action” and for the generation of true results. Taking steps in using this standard to achieve comprehensive source water protection is strongly encouraged. This standard is valid for both groundwater and surface water sources.
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