AWWA C652-19 Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities
SKU: 43652-2019
This standard for disinfection of water-storage facilities describes materials, facility preparation, application of disinfectant to interior surfaces of facilities, and sampling and testing for the presence of coliform bacteria, chlorine residual, and acceptable aesthetic water quality. The standard also includes disinfection procedures for underwater inspection and/or cleaning of potable-water-storage facilities but does not describe the technical aspects of underwater inspection and/or cleaning.
The purpose of this standard is to define the minimum requirements for the disinfection of water-storage facilities, including the preparation of water-storage facilities, application of chlorine, procedures for disinfecting underwater inspection and cleaning equipment, and sampling and testing for the presence of coliform bacteria, chlorine residual, and acceptable aesthetic water quality. This standard can be referenced in specifications for the disinfection of water-storage facilities and can be used as a guide in preparing water-storage facilities for disinfection procedures following inspection or maintenance.