AWWA C563-21 Fabricated Composite Slide Gates
SKU: 43563-2021
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for fabricated composite slide gates, including materials, general design, manufacture, testing, inspection, and shipment.
This standard describes vertically mounted, fabricated, composite, resilient-seated slide gates with full-aperture closure, designed for either seating head or unseating head or both, in ordinary water supply and wastewater service. The gates are primarily used to shut off or throttle water and wastewater flow through a rectangular or round orifice, end of channel, or in-channel opening. They may be of either conventional-closure or flush-bottom closure type and may be opened either upward or downward. This standard also describes manual gate actuator mechanisms together with standard accessories. Power-actuated mechanisms (including electric or hydraulic) are described in ANSI/AWWA C541 and ANSI/AWWA C542. Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following: 1. A section on chlorine and chloramine degradation of elastomers was added to the foreword (Sec. II. A). 2. The definition of constructor was removed from the standard. 3. Requirements was extensively updated to read consistently among the four slide gate standards, except for where materially different (Sec. 4). 4. Tensile, compressive, and critical buckling loads were readdressed and clarified, along with the definitions for rated and extreme loads. 5. A basis for rejection section was added (Sec. 5.3).